Sonya Brown


Areas Covered by Sonya

DFW Metroplex, Texas
All Healthcare

After spending two decades as an in-house attorney helping my clients, I found a position that I love even more. In this role, I can help doctors and business professionals in the commercial real estate space to negotiate at no charge to them. I love saving my clients money and time and allowing them to fulfill their dreams. I love every part of the process – from locating the real estate to handing them the keys. The satisfaction of seeing their plans fulfilled never gets old. With some clients, I help them negotiate on the space that they are already in by negotiating their lease renewal. Whatever the client particularly needs ends in a win-win situation all around.

At CARR, we only represent Healthcare (or other professionals) Tenants & Buyers, with the sole purpose of saving them time and money on their practice real estate.

No matter where you are in the United States, if you are looking for a real estate agent you can trust, please reach out to me and I will happily help you with the following:

  • Market Evaluation
  • Site Selection
  • Purchase vs. Lease Comparison
  • Lease Analysis
  • Negotiation Strategy
  • And much more!

Please complete the adjacent form and I will contact you to discuss your healthcare real estate needs, and to prepare your free, no-obligation evaluation.

Contact Sonya

    "manualTestimonies": [
            "testimonial": "Sonya Brown at CARR has been amazing! Her nearly immediate responses to all of our texts, phone calls, and emails make us feel like we are her only client. Sonya found us properties to consider where we didn\u0027t think there were any, and then helped us negotiate a lease agreement that generously favored us. She was genuinely interested in our success! We are now working with her again to secure a second location for our business. We are very grateful for Sonya Brown and CARR!",
            "author": "Scott \u0026amp; Leslie Milder, Owners",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Ellie Mental Health of Wylie | Royce City, TX",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "Sonya Brown at CARR is a wonderful agent! She helped us find the right location for our first practice in the Dallas market, and negotiate the right terms for our lease. The best part was what she did after the lease was signed, helping us coordinate with contractors, locksmiths, and other working professionals in the area. Her attention to detail and friendly approach to this process was and is top notch.",
            "author": "Mark Mason, VP",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "PetVet365",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "I am very happy that we went with CARR for our relocation. Sonya’s communication was great throughout the entire process. Her diligence in making sure things continued to move forward was greatly appreciated. She negotiated a favorable lease term. We are enjoying our new location and credit Sonya with much of the success. I would highly recommend her as a quality person and commercial agent.",
            "author": "John Cross",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Cross Cryo \u0026amp; Wellness",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "Sonya gave me hope when my hopes were diminished on more than one occasion with properties that initially looked like they would work out but didn\u0027t. She did not give up on finding the right location, even with a looming time crunch, and then, you stayed on top of the final details (even while you were on vacation). You truly are an amazing Agent, and more importantly, an amazing human being with just the right amount of compassion that I needed to get through this process.",
            "author": "Charity Decosta, CEO",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Thrive Therapy",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "CARR negotiated with prospective landlords and were extremely professional in facilitating the difficult decisions I needed to make for my practice. Even after the deal was finalized CARR was available to help the details of the transition. I recommend their services with great confidence.",
            "author": "Terry L. Drennan, DDS",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Drennan Family Dentistry",
                "url": ""
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Let Sonya give you the peace of mind that you’re covered with the industry-leading tools, resources, and strategies to help you maximize your profitability through real estate.