Philicia Cosey


Areas Covered by Philicia

Chicago, Illinois
All Healthcare

Hi, I’m Philicia Cosey, Commerical Real Estate Broker in the Chicago and surrounding area. I have a unique background in Medical & Dental with 20 years of experience in practice management at a Regional Business Director, District & Manager level. In addition, I have 8 years of experience in Real Estate. My career path has allowed me to have a deep understanding of my client’s needs with identifying, analyzing, negotiating, and acquiring commercial properties. I specialize in lease, lease renewals, expansions, purchase, relocations, start-ups, and much more. I have the experience to guide my clients through the process of finding the right location, negotiating the best terms, and connecting with every key player in the local market to make the transaction a great success!

I exclusively represent buyers and tenant in all specialties in health care. With deep gratitude I take pride in building strong relationships based on integrity, trust and respect while helping clients achieve their goals. I understand firsthand how valuable time is to my clients that I serve and the right location for their clients. My ability to understand both the practical clinical aspects and real estate allows me to be an invaluable partner in achieving my client’s real estate goals. I can help doctors and business professionals in the commercial real estate space to negotiate at no charge to them. I love saving my clients money and time and allowing them to fulfill their dreams!

My passion is helping my clients achieve their dreams through real estate!

If you are looking for a real estate agent you can trust, please reach out to me and I will happily help you with the following:

  • Market Evaluation
  • Site Selection
  • Purchase vs. Lease Comparison
  • Lease Analysis
  • Negotiation Strategy
  • And Much More!

Please complete the adjacent form and I will contact you to discuss your healthcare real estate needs, and to prepare your free, no-obligation evaluation.

Contact Philicia

    "manualTestimonies": [
            "testimonial": "It has been an absolute pleasure working with Dennis Thornton! We felt that from the very beginning he had our back and only looked out for our best interests. When we didn\u0027t find a space right away, he really listened to our feedback. The next outing we found the location of our dreams!",
            "author": "Erica Knight, DDS",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "The Dental Studio",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "CARR went above and beyond to help me find my new dental office. Their patience, knowledge, and understanding in helping me find the best location were second to none. Their perseverance and determination throughout the entire process culminated into an excellent experience. I couldn\u0027t be happier with the outcome and I recommend CARR to all of my friends!",
            "author": "Kirk Poldek, DDS",
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                "title": "Poldek Family Dental\u0026gt;",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "CARR was very helpful in finding our ideal building for our dental office. They were very patient and went above and beyond in helping us secure the building. We look forward to working with them in the future.",
            "author": "Ashish Patel, MD",
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                "title": "Horizon Medical Center",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "I had a tremendous experience with CARR. They found a site for my new veterinary center close to my current location with enormous visibility, negotiating a great price in a timely manner. I was a novice when it came to this venture and CARR provided excellent guidance in a very professional, friendly fashion. They went above and beyond with the whole process, even attending my local zoning meeting to attain proper rezoning with the land. They allowed my dream to become reality\"",
            "author": "Steve Jacobs, DVM",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Sports Vet Animal Medical Center",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "We really enjoyed working with CARR. They were very quick to respond, provided us with many options in our parameters, and drove us to different sites to explain their pros and cons. CARR was not upset if we wanted more options. They are very thorough, good at follow up, and a pleasure to work with.",
            "author": "Anita Han, OD",
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Let Philicia give you the peace of mind that you’re covered with the industry-leading tools, resources, and strategies to help you maximize your profitability through real estate.