Dayna Herndon


Areas Covered by

San Antonio, Texas
All Healthcare

At CARR, Mrs. Herndon specializes in representing San Antonio and Hill Country healthcare clients with any commercial real estate transaction. Dayna works exclusively as an advocate for tenants and buyers, to ensure every client receives a zero-conflict negotiation. CARR’s unique approach to real estate representation solidifies new leases, lease renewals, land/building purchases like no other, all at no cost to exclusively healthcare clients.

Our purpose and passion is helping people who help people. We save time and money, while providing peace of mind to ensuring clients get the best terms possible on all real estate transactions in and around San Antonio. Nationally, we specialize in assisting with multiple locations, expansions, practice acquisitions, relocations (lease, ground-up construction, or purchase), sale-and-leasebacks, and investment real estate on a coast-to-coast basis.

Prior to working with CARR, for nearly 25 years Mrs. Herndon’s professional experience includes commercial real estate, digital media and executive recruitment. Her specialty is client-bias negotiation, exemplary communication, detailed research, conflict resolution and moving difficult transactions across the finish line. Prior to relocating to the Hill Country, she completed a B.S. Communication and Technology while raising 5 amazing children alongside her husband, Paul, in her hometown of Houston, Texas. They enjoy a truly blessed life, traveling, being outdoors, and serving their community and neighbors in Boerne, Texas. Dayna’s personal passion is serving others while making a difference through her faith in Christ.

Please complete the adjacent form and Mrs. Herndon will contact you to discuss your healthcare real estate needs and prepare your free, no-obligation evaluation.

Contact Dayna

    "manualTestimonies": [
            "testimonial": "I just wanted to send a quick THANK  YOU for your help in relocating my Dental office. You were knowledgeable, quick, efficient and honest with me. I really appreciate that!",
            "author": "Jose E. Aguirre, DMD",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Aguirre Family Dental",
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            "testimonial": "After being in our old office space for almost 10 years it was time for a change in scenery. I had no idea where to really even start but after I contacted CARR, everything from there was pretty simple. They basically took care of everything from and now were in our new amazing office! If you are looking for someone you can depend on with your property needs, I highly recommend the CARR team.",
            "author": "Cason Davis, DC",
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                "title": "City Limits Chiropractic",
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            "testimonial": "CARR was a big help in securing a lease extension for my office under a tight schedule. Not only did they secure the lease extension on time, they were able to negotiate a good price and get a concession from the landlord that I was doubtful we could accomplish. Thank you, CARR. I will definitely recommend you to my colleagues whenever possible.",
            "author": "Barbara Coldiron, OD",
            "practice_link": {
                "title": "Far West Optical",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "Under difficult circumstances, CARR kept the ball rolling and we got the deal done. In every situation, CARR was kind and proficient and I would highly recommend them to anyone needing a professional real estate transaction.",
            "author": "Dan Bristol, OD",
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                "title": "Bristol Family Eyecare",
                "url": ""
            "testimonial": "CARR negotiated with prospective landlords and were extremely professional in facilitating the difficult decisions I needed to make for my practice. Even after the deal was finalized CARR was available to help the details of the transition. I recommend their services with great confidence.",
            "author": "Terry L. Drennan, DDS",
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                "title": "Drennan Family Dentistry",
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Let Dayna give you the peace of mind that you’re covered with the industry-leading tools, resources, and strategies to help you maximize your profitability through real estate.